Dagospia Dago gallery

alessandra mammi foto di bacco

geumhyung jeong toy prototype 2021 installation view national museum of modern and contemporary art korea photo kanghyuk lee

felipe baeza por caminos ignorados por hendiduras secretas por las misteriosas vetas de troncos recien cortados 2020. photo ian byers gamber. courtesy maureen paley london. ?? felipe baeza

birgit jurgenssen missing limbs 1974 photo pixelstorm verbund collection vienna courtesy the estate birgit jurgenssen vienna 200x300

baya mahieddine femme au panier et coq rouge 1947. collection adrien maeght saint paul. ?? photo galerie maeght paris

andra ursuta predators r us 2020. courtesy the artist david zwirner ramiken new york. ?? andra ursuta scaled

alexandra pirici aggregate 2017–2019

bridget tichenor la espera the wait1961. photo javier hinojosa private collection

candice lin

claude cahun self portrait reflected image in mirror checquered jacket 1928. courtesy of the jersey heritage collections

ithell colquhoun the pine family 1940. photo ?? the israel museum jerusalem. the vera and arturo schwarz collection of dada and surrealist art in the israel museum. ?? siae

cosima von bonin installation view of what if it barks featuring authority puree petzel gallery 2018. photo jason mandella. courtesy the artist petzel new york

elle perez petal 2020 2021. courtesy the artist 47 canal

joanna piotrowska untitled 2013–2022. courtesy southard reid madragoa thomas zander dawid radziszewski

jaider esbell amamentacao 2021. courtesy galeria jaider esbell de arte indigena contemporanea galeria millan. ?? jaider esbell estatee

lenora de barros

kiki kogelnik robots 1966. kiki kogelnik foundation collection. ?? 1966 kiki kogelnik foundation. all rights reserved

roberto cicutto foto di bacco

cecilia alemani

cecilia alemani

jane graverol lecole de la vanite 1967. photo renaud schrobiltgen. collection anne boschmans. courtesy schirn kunsthalle frankfurt. ?? siae

lois mailou jones africa 1935 the johnson collection spartanburg south carolina

maria bartuszova untitled from the series endless egg 1985 photo michael brzezinski courtesy the estate of maria bartuszova kosice alison jacques london

merikokeb berhanu untitled lvii 2021. courtesy the artist addis fine art. ?? merikokeb berhanu

noah davis isis 2009. courtesy the estate of noah davis david zwirner. ?? the estate of noah davis

ovartaci untitled. courtesy museum ovartaci

paula rego sleeper

remedios varo simpatia la rabia del gato 1955

roberto gil de montes el pescador 2020 courtesy the artist kurimanzutto