Dagospia Dago gallery

ovidio jacorossi

ovidio jacorossi

Sheela Gowda, People Matter, 2019

Tony Oursler, SenS, 2019

James Lee Byars, The Chair of Transformation, 1988

Flavio Favelli, Grande Oriente, 2019

Hermann Nitsch, The Conquest of Jerusalem, 2008

Hermann Nitsch, Installation view

Sheela Gowda, People Matter, 2019

Chiharu Shiota, Sleeping is like Death, 2019

opere di artisti vari (13)

Chiharu Shiota, Sleeping is like Death, 2019

Chiharu Shiota, Sleeping is like Death, 2019

Monica Bonvicni, BeltDecke #4, 2017

Gianni Dessì, Camera Oscura, 2019

Christian Boltanski, Les Ephemeres, 2018

Hermann Nitsch, Untitled 1997

Hermann Nitsch, Untitled 2014

Robert Longo, Untitled (Burning Cross–From the American Stories Cycle), 2017

Monster Chetwynd, Bat, 2018

Monster Chetwynd, Red and Black Head, 2018

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Hermann Nitsch, Installation view

Tony Ousler, BlocK, 2019

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