travel photographer of the year 47
Il 2016 e il 2017 ci hanno regalato foto mozzafiato, ma a questo punto possiamo dire che anche il 2018 non ha fatto eccezione.
Quest’anno è stato un italiano il vincitore del "Travel Photographer of the Year 2018": si chiama Stefano Pensotti e i suoi scatti sono stati scelti tra 20.000 immagini ricevute da ben 142 Paesi. I suoi capolavori verranno esposti, insieme ad altri, dal 28 Marzo al 30 Aprile nel cuore di Londra, al London Bridge City.
travel photographer of the year 46
Intanto godetevi le 50 foto più belle: niente, come queste immagini, è in grado di raccontarci il mondo in maniera più suggestiva.
travel photographer of the year 45
travel photographer of the year 43 travel photographer of the year 23 travel photographer of the year 1 travel photographer of the year 9 travel photographer of the year 8 travel photographer of the year 7 travel photographer of the year 6 travel photographer of the year 49 travel photographer of the year 5 travel photographer of the year 50 travel photographer of the year 10 travel photographer of the year 14 travel photographer of the year 48 travel photographer of the year 11 travel photographer of the year 12 travel photographer of the year 13 travel photographer of the year 15 travel photographer of the year 16 travel photographer of the year 17 travel photographer of the year 18 travel photographer of the year 19 travel photographer of the year 20 travel photographer of the year 2 travel photographer of the year 24 travel photographer of the year 21 travel photographer of the year 22 travel photographer of the year 25 travel photographer of the year 26 travel photographer of the year 27 travel photographer of the year 28 travel photographer of the year 29 travel photographer of the year 3 travel photographer of the year 30 travel photographer of the year 31 travel photographer of the year 33 travel photographer of the year 34 travel photographer of the year 32 travel photographer of the year 35 travel photographer of the year 38 travel photographer of the year 39 travel photographer of the year 36 travel photographer of the year 37 travel photographer of the year 4 travel photographer of the year 40 travel photographer of the year 41 travel photographer of the year 42 travel photographer of the year 44