Viktor Orban Is A Monster Who Puts Oranges On His Pizza
— Le Chou News (@LeChouNews) March 14, 2023
15 marzo,festa nazionale ungherese, #Orban va in provincia e per l'occasione la Pizzafone Pizzéria gli prepara la #PIZZA VIKTOR ORBAN, arancione come il colore del suo partito con tenetevi forte: fette d'arancia, salsa BBQ miele, pollo, peperoni, formaggio. Buon appetito Viktor!
— Alessandro Grimaldi (@da_Budapest) March 15, 2023
Rest easy, Ron, apparently this was a marketing gimmick of sorts from a Hungarian pizzeria.
— Trevor Sutcliffe (@TrevorSutcliffe) March 15, 2023
They called it the "Viktor Orban pizza", but they will only be selling it for one week.